Friday, February 15, 2019

Guidance for Setup VAS6154 WIFI

Guidance for Setup VAS6154 WIFI, Easy steps as the following:

Step1: Input the fourth CD and open it and then install the vas 6154 driver

Step 2: Open the CD and then chose the vas 6154 driver to install

Step 3: After installed and click on the Desktop – symbol

Step 4: Click on the Device Configuration

Step5: Choose the connection way “WLAN”

Step 6: Choose the “save”

Step 7: Plug the vas 6154 to the car

Step 8: Open the WIFI and find the VAS-6154 wifi name and connect it.

Step 9: It shows Connected

Step 10: The state of connect successfully

Step 11: Open odis software. Now the latest version is 4.4.1


Step 12: VAS 6054 wifi connection setup successfully.

Done! Ready for use!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

VAS 6154 VW Audi Skoda Wireless Diagnostic Interface Review

Clone VAS6154 reviews:

1. Clone vas6154 = Odis offline

vas 6154 clone will never work with odis online. Only oem SN of 6154 will work with odis online, all 6154 clones will be on the black list. Vw could not lock the SN Clone for 5054 but could lock the SN Clone for the 6154.
Summary: Anyone who wants to use odis online must purchase oem 6154.
Clone 6154 = Odis offline

2. enough for users

it works 100% and has unique features. I think it is enough for users

3. defined as vas5054a

Program clone, is defined as 5054. but 6154 supports wireless.

4. wireless connection and stable

Vas 6154,can be connected by wireless connection, and the function is very stable.

5. cable extender for audi obd2

I am not sure if it is an upgraded version from vxdiag vcx nano or a downgrade. However vcx nano due to size it needed a cable extender in order to fit in an audi obd2 connector. This is the main difference with VCX6154. VCX nano being similar to VCX nano pro enjoys the same firmware frequent upgrades, however only pro version can be added with more license add ons for different makes.

VCX can be powered by usb port which means it can be upgraded easily using then vcx app. vcx nano worked perfect with odis-s 3.0.3 and in addition now comes with with api-pdu 1.20.040 support which means odis-s 4.1.3 compatibility. However with odis-e dont expect you will be able to flash successfully.

Please keep us posted with your findings regarding the newer VCX 6154 especially flash capability.

6. different from the genuine

different from the real vas6154, but i focus on the functionality, regardless of genuine or clone.

the clone vas6154 pcb


the genuine vas 6154 pcb

Guidance for Setup VAS6154 WIFI

Guidance for Setup VAS6154 WIFI, Easy steps as the following: Step1: Input the fourth CD and open it and then install the vas 6154 driv...